Saturday, March 7, 2009

March 3rd, first chemo treatment. To be honest I don't think I knew what to expect, but then who does. Accessing the chemo port had to be the most difficult part, I don't know if the tech was inexperienced or I was nervous, but lets just say it was not pleasant. The drugs made me a little sleepy so I slept about half of the time. Slight headache, and just a little off, that's about the best way I can describe it. Day 2, not too bad, a little queasy, but the drugs are working well. Today I had to go in for IV fluids and a white cell booster shot. Much easier to access port (yea). Day 3, a little worse but still the nausea drugs are working well. Day 4, a little worse but still the meds are working to keep me on top of the nausea. Today I feel a lot better. Not taking meds today, a little shaky. I know that each treatment builds on the other, but so far nothing I can't handle. Thank you for all your prayers, cards and flowers. God has truly blessed my life.


  1. You're often on my mind! Praying for you!

  2. Hi Cindy,
    It is so nice to hear that you are doing well and keeping your spirits high. I'm very sorry to hear about all of the treatments and surgeries but it sounds like you are taking it very well. Anyways, as I was reading your blog, I was curious to know what kind of medicine you are taking to rebuild your white blood cells? As you may or may not know, I work for a pharmaceutical company down in California called Amgen and we produce different drugs for these treatments. One of our main blockbuster drugs is called Neulasta which is a single fixed dose per chemo cycle that decreases the incidence of infection from febrile neutropenia(fever associated with a severe drop in infection-fighting white blood cells). Anyways, I know that these drugs can be pretty expensive but since I work here, my family and I get them for free or practically nothing. I just wanted to share that info with you because if there is anything I can do to help or if this is the drug that you are already taking, let me know and I can see what I can do. I will be praying for you and for your fast recovery. It looks and sounds like you are taking this very well and that just shows how strong of a person you are. Take care and God bless.

  3. Hi Cindy! It was lovely visiting with you yesterday! I can hear in your voice and read in your words how well you are handling your journey. You are an amazing woman, I have always thought so. Your shining outlook on life, the abundance of love you show to friends and family, and your great capacity to take in and hold dear all that is good is an inspiration to me. I love you! Have fun at the beach and we will see you there soon! Blessings on you - Valaree
